李竹 (Zhu Li)

Results 7 issues of 李竹 (Zhu Li)

I want to limit the length of characters in the input box. My main code is as follows. However, when inputting Chinese characters, only the first character can be input...

你好,你这个框架真是太好用了,我一个做iOS手机端的工程师,居然毫无压力的开发了一个服务器系统,非常感谢!!但是最近我遇到了一点小问题,如题,按照您推荐的方式,业务错误都可以通过throw new ServiceException("该手机号已被注册") 类似的方式抛出异常,但是实际使用过程中,客户端做了国际化,不能直接使用服务端返回的message,所以客户端更多的时候需要根据返回的code,结合当前设置的语言,来判断显示什么语种给用户。所以我在想ServiceException("") 能否扩展一个code参数?或者说类似的需求您有没有什么其它方案推荐?再次感谢


I hope that when the server is disconnected, My app not connect via local network. I downloaded an official OpenVPN app, and I found that it has an option "**Seamless...

我看到这个数据是构造的时候传入的,假如有这样的场景,我的数据是动态的,我从服务器拿到新的数据之后需要重新刷新折线图,这个怎么实现,没有看到有属性可以设置 谢谢!

Apple announced at [WWDC23](https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2023/10060/?time=457) that developers will need to declare the reasons for using these APIs in their app’s privacy manifest. The following link for your reference [List of APIs...

Hi alexzielenski, Thank you. I've used it in many projects. It's very great. Recently I found a problem, when I uninstall a dylib using optool. and then reinject another dylib...