Jules Cordonnier

Results 13 comments of Jules Cordonnier

I can testify, @bcspragu's proposal works like a charm ! Either way, some other community modules such as the [nuxt-community/auth-module](https://github.com/nuxt-community/auth-module/issues/1520) are waiting for this update to start migrating to Nuxt...

Seems like the upgrade is quite straightforward according to @Teranode, @bcspragu or @paleacci. A first step could be to create a "next" branch that would allow axios-dependent projects to start...

Same issue on a Nuxt 3 project. @mchestnut fix works for me @adamberecz

My code for importing BootstrapVue3 is the same exact as @amery, and results in the same error. @xvaara Thank you for you help. I still get `document is not defined`...

I had the same issue with packages such as [vuelidate](https://github.com/vuelidate/vuelidate) or [vue-leaflet](https://github.com/vue-leaflet/vue-leaflet). Simply adding `"vue": "^3.2.39"` to my package.json and restarting `npm install` fixed it, as mentioned by @lucavenir. But...

I would also be interested in a work around !

@danielroe I'm trying to dynamically import images from the assets folder, using your stackblitz example. ``` const val = 'img'; const img = await import(`~/assets/images/${val}.png`).then((r) => r.default); ``` But I...

@danielroe Ok, took some time, but I found the issue. It seems that the dynamic import is not working inside Nuxt components that aren't top level components (it works in...