Leonid Laboshin

Results 12 comments of Leonid Laboshin

Hi, you will need something like this https://github.com/ankitdhall/lidar_camera_calibration#fusion-using-lidar_camera_calibration

> The mapping is working, but in some point the pointcloud suddenly returns to the initial position and I get this error: > > ``` > laserOdometry: /build/buildd/pcl-1.7-1.7.1/kdtree/include/pcl/kdtree/impl/kdtree_flann.hpp:136: int pcl::KdTreeFLANN::nearestKSearch(const...

> Is this a version you wrote or is it the original implementation or did you piece it back together from the help pages? > Did you write the package...

@DamonMIN You have missed "/" ``` laboshinl@rtc ~/catkin_ws $ source ~catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash bash: ~catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash: No such file or directory ``` ``` laboshinl@rtc ~/catkin_ws $ source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash ```

You should compile velodyne driver https://github.com/ros-drivers/velodyne/tree/master/velodyne_pointcloud

@Fazt You can save registered clouds to pcd and open with ccViewer **rosrun pcl_ros pointcloud_to_pcd input:=/velodyne_cloud_registered**

@drscopus > only two odom topics /laser_odom_to_init and /integrated_to_init could be displayed. The locations of these odom topics are strange. Initially, they start at a same position. They are getting...

@drscopus > I couldn't see the constructed 3D map in rviz. Try setting '**Decay Time**' parameter to **1000** in topic '**velodyne_cloud_registered**' ![screenshot-10](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/2180161/15777600/ba942ee8-29a1-11e6-947f-cbc2f212101b.png)

@Kailegh There is no error for me with current version https://github.com/laboshinl/loam_velodyne/commit/60db8c10f79bb4e2de77f6b8212b40430c2ae473

@Kailegh I have not tested it with IMU yet. https://github.com/laboshinl/loam_velodyne/issues/6