Did you manage to change this to not automatically call the init method? It would be helpful if you can as I have a production site that needs this to...
Yes but theoretically, could it be done with some redesign? Can you advise on where in the code the calculation takes place so I can take a stab at this?...
No sorry, this is for a personal project, I'm tied up on commercial work at the moment.
None of these things are fixes, workarounds, can someone please just update the package.json to support 6 and above as the documentation claims. It's important to understand the difference between...
Dependancies are still not right sorry! It won't let me install on angular 13, you have set minimum requirement to be 16.2.0. Should be ">=13.0.0"
I've forked the project to add a lot of functionality on. Supports direct and destination charges. I'm currently working on connected customers, products and subscriptions. I'd advise not to...
Please see the documentation for the aforementioned new package
Yes it is. I am trialing it on a production project using latest cashier, latest stripe API and also Laravel 9. But it's been tested against earlier versions too. I've...
After testing on staging and now on a production projext the New package is released Webhooks are working fine, obviously given the flexible nature of connect you need to declare...
Done mate! PR Made. I've left credit on my readme file and also on my gitbook to credit everyone up until this point.