Lewis Freiberg
Lewis Freiberg
Looking for a prop to change the color of the baseText, placeholder & focused text on the CardView Component. I've changed the hardcoded values but everytime I "yarn upgrade" it...
What is the current solution to styling the react components such that they work both Server & Client side? I've tried using a number of inline styling libraries (styled-jsx, Radium,...
In the package.json for the demo the config doesn't match the standard port or what's reported in the readme. ` "config": { "crx": "http://admin:admin@localhost:4602/crx/repository/crx.default" }, `
Hello, Would you be open to me submitting a PR for the readme. At the moment, the info spread throughout the issues & multiple pages. I'd like to make it...
Could you add a section on how you generate keys and the best practice for generating tempKeys. I'm interested to understand the way to use this correctly.
> you know when you swipe to the right you open up the tools menu, i have this urge to swipe left to see what pops out. > so instead...