Gediminas Morkevicius

Results 5 issues of Gediminas Morkevicius

I do not have much spare time for this library and willing to transfer the repository ownership to person or an organization motivated to maintain it. Open up a conversation...


Hi, I'm the author of [godog - cucumber for golang]( BDD framework and a member of [cucumber]( team. I like to use goconvey and I was thinking whether it would...


Since after go 1.5 release compilation speed got worse, it made sense to prevent godog from compiling the test package on commands like `godog --help` or `godog --version`. But this...

Hi, I do not have much spare time for this library and haven't used go over few years. Open up a conversation if you are using this library and willing...

help wanted

and maybe something to generate documentation pages, you know "following the best practices" - [ ] add Vagrant - [ ] documentation generator