
Results 13 comments of l2009312042

it like the it doesnot know the THCudaTensor,any ideas? THCudaTensor* input, THCudaTensor* vertical, THCudaTensor* horizontal, THCudaTensor* output

@zhoudoufu why change from pmap[line[0]] = line[2] to pmap[line[1]] = line[1]? and pmap = {rephone[1]: rephone[1]} not pmap = {rephone[0]: rephone[0]}

hello sniklaus, the implementation of ctxsyn is ok now?

> It’s great work!, I also looking forward to your code. But waiting is not my favorite, I'm trying to implement your work on my own @dlwtojd26 ,hello dlwtojd26,can you...

> Hello, I was working on a asr project and find your code pretty helpful. However, I encounter a problem when I test your code. > On line 90 and...

@gutouyu 我在你代码上改了一下 可以编译过 ``` static int inum = 10; int distance(const pair& a) { // 返回中点和两个端点最近的距离 int len = (a.second - a.first) / 2; if(a.first == -1) { return a.second;...

-1%3 =2 最后rabin-karp算法中的左移处理时,不加Q也是可以的

@tsing90 good boy,add attention to you