
Results 16 issues of Istvan

One aspect of Parquet files is the column statistics for each column in every row group. I could not find any reference if it is supported by Parquet.Net. Example file,...

- [x] Running elm-format - [x] Addressing elm-analyse issues [*] * except removing the TODOs

I am not sure why this is happening: ``` Ocaml let deep () = Deferred.List.iter [ 1; 2; 10; 100 ] ~f:(fun depth -> let rec loop i = if...

I think that the result images are overwritten. I have a simple bash script that syncs the result folder to s3 and I see in the logs the following: ```...

``` > athena --profile aws_profile --region eu-central-1 --schema database --s3-bucket s3://bucket/adhoc/ An error occurred (InvalidRequestException) when calling the StartQueryExecution operation: line 1:10: mismatched input ''. Expecting: 'ALTER', 'ANALYZE', 'CALL', 'COMMIT',...

**Describe the bug** The following code results in an exception: ```python fg = FeatureGroup( name="hello", sagemaker_session=feature_store_session ) fg.put_record([ FeatureValue('id', '2'), FeatureValue('data', 'test\n'), FeatureValue('EventTime', '0.0') ]) ``` The exception: ``` ClientError:...


Hi, Having timestamps in you data is kind of standard, Rails has created_at and updated_at, etc. I was trying to do the same and included StartTime and EndTime in my...