
Results 7 issues of l-m

Any text upon clicking an image, even a tiny text box would suffice. This project is perfect for me as I am trying to replace Instagram, but I usually include...


### Description The V programming language and all of it's source material use your logo! It's website is [here](https://vlang.io/), it has your logo plastered all over the front page. I...

This PR adds a WebAssembly compiler backend to the V compiler. Using the C API of Binaryen, an optimizer and compiler/toolchain library for WebAssembly, it generates tiny optimized WASM binaries...

**What feature do you propose?** I propose syntax highlighting support for the WebAssembly Text Format, `wat`, or `wast`

OS: linux, "Arch Linux" V full version: V 0.2.4 e5bbb23.ccc3271 C and V have difference operator precedence for bitwise operations, programs converted using C2V are inherently broken. Take this C...


Standardise the current functionality with pointers and references, and remove ambiguities. Created after a lengthy talk with @spytheman and @medvednikov in #compiler-and-vlib-dev.