Leonardo Ramirez-Lopez
Leonardo Ramirez-Lopez
- spectral data normalization(e.g. msc) - include `cassa` function (for optimal sample set size estimation) - add some basic functions from BUCHI pkg - automatic preprocessing. See Antoines discussion: https://mail.google.com/mail/u/1/#search/from%3Aantoine/FMfcgxmVxNDVLcmXmqGspPbbPzzwzQzj...
further update the readASD function for full compatibility with v8 files (re-organize it)
options for transferring spectral data: - la - ds - pds - epo
- rewrite kenStone and duplex in C++ and avoid computing the whole distance matrix at once (Several users complained that they would run into memory problems for bigger datasets (>...
The changes to be passed onto main are mostly about fixing some documentation issues. These changes reflect the current version now available on CRAN
functions using `seed()`affect the RNG of users code. An option si to use a sort of local seed and and resets it afterwards (as in `withr::with_seed`)
extend equation of RMSD in the documentation to cover multiple responses
check `mbl(..., .local = FALSE, pre_k)` somehow the progress is shown differently when `mbl(...)`