AFAIK what manga mode does (at least for me) is just change the order in which halves of split pages are saved. IDK if there's a way to have the...
I don't know if this will work for you but what works for me is the following method: - set device to "other" - set custom width and height to...
OSFMount does not work in tandem with the app, it's just used to access the contents of the image from your OS. The workaround I found for using CDs was...
AFAIK this version has stopped being maintained. There's a newer, 100% compatible version at https://github.com/fmd-project-team/FMD (also discontinued) as well as a newer version at https://github.com/dazedcat19/FMD2/releases (that needs a conversor you...
It doesn't work, mainly because it almost always closes before showing anything (just the Play Store logo). It may either be because the most recent OpenGApss version is for Android...
It seems that the issue is with OpenGApps. When I installed MindTheGapps instead, this issue got fixed. At least for the first time.
Found the issue, but it says "This device isn't Play Protect certified". If I download the apks separatedly, I can install them and they work no problem. Now I wonder...
> Can you describe how you solve the issue please ? I don't understand why Google Play Store doesn't appear... On "System", click on "open files" (1st option) and it...
Cannot access superuser account. EDIT: found how to root the device; fixed.
Rooted kernel doesn't work.