The problem: Decaf did not react to any window size changes at my system. Vulkan always reported eSuboptimalKHR but never eErrorOutOfDateKHR. This was a big problem for the Qt frontend...
Problem: BlockPusher.DataSource closes the inputstream during the constructer with ``use`` but tries to read the blocks later from it
- [ ] disable global discovery - [ ] custom discovery servers - [ ] disable local discovery - [ ] ask for permission to use global discovery during the...
When a file is changed, the file is downloaded again and not only the changed parts. The same applies if a file with equal blocks was already downloaded. This should...
current problems: - regular retrying to not use a relay -> regular interruptions of the connection when a relay is required - global discovery is only executed once, but should...
When the user has got a big index, it should be possible to update it without Syncthing in the foreground
- fail early if there was an connection attempt already and it failed - improve the error message at the file downloading when there was no connection to the server
This has an effect if a routing table was specified only. The current implementation keeps the interfaces if they are not part of the routing table. Due to the over...