Daniel Cazzulino

Results 67 issues of Daniel Cazzulino

A simple char-based progress when we know the length, as we copy to the output file stream

help wanted
good first issue

Given that the [official binaries](https://cef-builds.spotifycdn.com/index.html) cover all platforms that .NET Core/5 can run on, would it be feasible/worth it to package the others too? I may be able to help...

Instead of assuming other OSS projects will use our infrastructure, assume instead that they (being developers) will instead host their own endpoint for signed manifest generation. This should lower the...


Given #140, self-hosting of the functions JWT signing backend and GH CLI extension as a front-end should be more prominently documented and explained.


Based on [feedback](https://github.com/devlooped/SponsorLink/issues/100#issuecomment-1925492140), we should perhaps mention that the default `SPONSORLINK_MANIFEST` is more of a default behavior when used in conjunction with the [gh-sponsors](https://github.com/devlooped/gh-sponsors) tool.


I've polished a v1 (beta) of the JWT manifest used by the new SL. Please give it a read and let me know your feedback 🙏: https://www.devlooped.com/SponsorLink/spec.html (source at [docs/spec/1.0.0-beta.md](https://github.com/devlooped/SponsorLink/blob/main/docs/spec/1.0.0-beta.md))


From the feedback at https://github.com/moq/moq/discussions/1414#discussioncomment-6913884, a good point was made: A warning would certainly be more visible, yet if `WarningsNotAsErrors` is provided via the package props, you can avoid the...


Folks seem quite adamant that this is super bad. Specially in light of warnings-as-errors settings. I hadn't considered that scenario, and having to configure that property as false not only...


See https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/blob/master/src/VisualStudio/Core/Def/Implementation/ProjectSystem/MiscellaneousFilesWorkspace.cs ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/169707/56307377-17a1c600-611b-11e9-8370-7e050b3f46f9.png) I'm using MS Edge Insider from https://www.microsoftedgeinsider.com/en-us/download/