Daniel Cazzulino

Results 67 issues of Daniel Cazzulino

# devlooped/oss - Fix syntax for excluding one file https://github.com/devlooped/oss/commit/5d05e54 - Use BOT_ defaults consistently https://github.com/devlooped/oss/commit/98919f7 - Use simple bash variable expansion https://github.com/devlooped/oss/commit/acedd1d - Ensure checkout before defaults https://github.com/devlooped/oss/commit/721ee85 -...


When configuring dotnetconfig with: ```csharp [assembly: FunctionsStartup(typeof(Startup))] public class Startup : FunctionsStartup { public override void ConfigureAppConfiguration(IFunctionsConfigurationBuilder builder) => builder.ConfigurationBuilder.AddDotNetConfig(); } ``` A runtime error is thrown: ``` 2022-05-13T03:10:25.133 [Error]...


Would be super nice if the package provided a `build\Pdb2Pdb.props` with a `$(Pdb2Pdb)` prop with the full path to the tool :wink: (basically https://github.com/gluck/il-repack/pull/192/files#diff-03bae9b4d3fd661d3b9f225ac53f17b1) Thanks!

So that instead of writing: ``` new Section { Text = new TextObject("Some text") }, ``` you could write: ``` new Section { Text = "Some text" }, ```

Pulled from https://til.cazzulino.com/devops-ci-cd/how-to-skip-steps-or-jobs-in-github-actions-for-prs-from-forks

MEF initialization is very costly and can take up to 15' on first run of VS. MEF is only initialized when some action in the IDE requires resolving a MEF...

Currently, if you try to use a record type as a metadata view, you get the following error: ``` System.NotSupportedException: 'The type [TYPE] is an unsupported type of metadata view.'...

# devlooped/oss - Update combine prs default message https://github.com/devlooped/oss/commit/74189b0 - Add specific skip rules for tests https://github.com/devlooped/oss/commit/448cf45 - Since dependabot doesn't consume API requests, do it more frequently https://github.com/devlooped/oss/commit/4f070a4 -...


A simple checkbox "auto-loop" should be enough. This would make the tool perfect for creating gifs for Twitter, since, as documented at https://support.twitter.com/articles/20156423: > _Why doesn’t my animated GIF play...

Since View is intended to be heavily inherited to create new types of views, it would be quite convenient to be able to override `BeginInit` and `EndInit`, so that additional...
