とりあえず #110 (releases へバイナリ上げる) が優先かな を導入する
例えば多数の Network に依存するVMを多数同時に生成したいときに、多数のNetworkへの依存を取りまとめる `DummyTask` を用意することで `depends_on` が簡略になるのでメンテナンスコスト上メリットがあります。 - - - DummyTask なし: ```yaml CreateNetworkA: ... CreateNetworkB: ... CreateNetworkC: ... CreateVMA ... depends_on: - CreateNetworkA - CreateNetworkB - CreateNetworkC CreateVMB ......
I think it's difficult now. To prevent such a degradation, we need E2E testing that run built image and shutdown.
We faced the same error on new image `actions-runner-dind:v2.293.0-ubuntu-20.04`. helm chart version: 0.19.1 The error log is one line: environment: AWS EKS v1.22.9-eks-a64ea69 with Karpenter (containerd). ``` tee: 'standard output':...
Hi @sebastien-prudhomme Thanks for maintaining the chart, my team is currently trying to install the VPA chart on our ArgoCD deployment with [helmfile]( (pre-templated) . Then we faced same issue...