Kyle Wendling
Kyle Wendling
Thanks for quick response, using latest bookmarklet (yesterday) Pretty frustrating, savePageHtml works fine but no dice on saveImage, I could just be doing something wrong, but are you sure project...
thanks, please LMK!
thanks! I've implemented a more robust spider that can handle XHR request http errors, would you be interested in incorporating, should I sub a pull req? 
The logs inside the notebook, I was taking a look at this project but it seems like all kinds of sketchy garbage
Ugh, I was considering getting some of these, this type of thing is horrendous, it's such a dumb bug it means that MKS didn't even try their product ONCE before...
Same issue on intel Mac
No offense, but this thing is a bit of a trainwreck, it doesn't run, but says it's 'running' per problems above even with correct dirs, but the thing that makes...