Submission language pattern for python was no longer matching with the submission page. Just fixing regex pattern.
As far as I see, this browser uses custom API to show video image since WebView on iOS is not supporting getUserMedia API. If this logic is working with getUserMedia,...
GeometryやMaterialなど、コンポーネントではないが、コンポーネントに動的な値を持つ集合として扱わせたいもの。 - ownerはattachされたコンポーネント。attachできるコンポーネントは一つだけ - attachParametricObjectでは、すでにownerがあった場合例外 - getAttributeDeclarationsでは、そのParametricObjectが持つ属性への定義か、こ要素となるIParametricObjectへの参照が代入される - attachParametricObjectではbaseNameを名前空間に考慮して入れる。${LIB_NAMESPACE}.${COMPONENT}.${BASENAME}.${ATTR_NAME} interface IParametricObject{ owner?:Component; getAttributeDeclarations():{[key:string]:IAttributeDeclaration|IParametricObject}; onAttachComponent(component:Component,ctx:ParametricObjectContext):void; onDetachComponent(lastComponent:Component,ctx:ParametricObjectContext):void; } - Component#__attachParametricObject(obj:IParametricObject,baseName:string) - Component#__detachParametricObject(baseName:string); - ParametricObjectContext#bindTo() - ParametricObjectContext#watch() - ParametricObjectContext#getAttributeRaw
Waiting message broadcasting in parent node is necessary. ```ts public async $mount(){ // Do something on mount message received await this.waitForBroadcastingMessage(); // Do something after mount message finished } ```
Sometimes, we needs to define some node structure like Prefab in unity
Asynchronous attributes typically hard to operate them. We need feature to handle asynchronous attributes easily. ## Change behaviour of fetching attribute if the attribute converter returned Promise. If an converter...
Currently Grimoire will ignore late registered script tag. Users can explicitly add script tag into window context to embed new canvas. We should monitor tag insertion and tag deletion to...
**Official document should be written in English from now.** Guides will be translated at first. This is the list of necessary documents. All titles are temporary determined, should have more...