By enabling opendap_model in the compass_viewer, I can build HDF-compass on Linux. So I can test the opendap plug-in at least from my development environment. In general, One can open...
No data displayed and plot data crashed compass when viewing and ploting a compound data type file
1) File: 2) Testing version: Windows version of the release candidate from S3 3) Issues about viewing the data: No data value is displayed. The table is empty. 4)...
1. File: 1. Testing version: Windows version of the release candidate from S3 2. Issues about viewing the data: 1) I can view the data of the dataset correctly....
1) File: 2) Testing version: Windows version of the release candidate from S3 For a 1-D (4 element) variable length array)(vl_type), compass misses values of the index 2 and...
1) File: 2) Testing version: Windows version of the release candidate from S3 The HDF5 ENUM type at h5compass is treated as 2-byte signed integer. In compass you just...
Check Test a windows version of the release candidate from S3. Whether clicking a field or not, I always see the following plot generated.  If you look at...
The attached file has a dataset with NULL data space. The HDFView 3.3.0 displays it as a scalar dataset. See the attached screenshot. Here is the h5dump output. ``` h5dump...