Krystian Ligenza
Krystian Ligenza
Thank you for reporting the issue @ansuter. Before we investigate, maybe @dgovil or @ysiewappl can comment?
This is because of @mattyjams Is code in dependent on a specific render delegate or can be shared by any? Maybe we could bring this down to the...
We haven't done a ton of investigation on this one, but I can share my current thinking and where I would consider starting. The (proxy) shape is responsible for providing...
To answer your question @fabal > A pointer could be stored in a shared structure but I wonder if there is a better way to access the render index held...
I'm not sold on `Maya being Maya then` - we will understand the source of this slowdown. Thx for reporting @Xaia!
We are actively working on instancing and consolidation performance improvements with Subscene override which should land in the next beta build. This will result in big performance improvements for VP2RenderDelegate...but...