Xin Kong
Xin Kong
Hi, @umakrishnaswamy I also want the feature of supporting step slider for table of images. As the list of images are limited by 108 images, I change my wandb code...
> Not yet, but we have plans to support it sometime by the end of the year. Hi is there an update for supporting pytorch.autograd.Function? Or any alternative solution currently...
Looking forward to formatting function! Please let us know if the feature is added in a future release. Thanks!
@liuyuan-pal Hi, thanks for uploading the GSO ids. Is there any input pose and target pose provided? I guess I should use to render the images but found the...
Hi, can you briefly explain what has been changed for the compared to zero123's as well? I know the views are fixed instead of random, and it seems the...
Hi @junsukha , you can similarly achieve that by loading your local customized unet_2d_condition module like [here]( Basically, you can use your local diffusers lib and modify/add new customized layers...
Hi, sorry I didn't test it on Windows. I don't know what causes the problem.
Thanks! Happy to merge your PR if you figure it out!
Hi, that's a great question! In principle, yes, but you need to modify the CUDA kernels for both the original instant NGP and torch-ngp. The functorch library I used can...
Hi sorry, I'm not the maintainer of this project. Please try to contact the original author or some other users for help!