Krzysztof Władyka

Results 38 issues of Krzysztof Władyka

I render e-mails content and i have signature on the end of e-mails. I can use partials as `{{>siganture}}`but i feel it is not the right way. I can also...

Unfortunately it is behind company network, so I can't show URLs. ```clojure @(http/post "https://censored" {:proxy-host "" :proxy-port 4444}) ``` ```clojure {:opts {:body "{\"video_url\":\"https://censored\",\"post_id\":\"censored\"}", :proxy-host "", :proxy-port 4444, :method :get, :url...


Currently there is a way to do `prev` / `next` but not `0`, `1`, `2`, `...` ```html {% if prev-uri %} « Prev {% endif %} {% if next-uri %}...

likely invalid

Unique files names for `css` / `js` etc. For example in Hugo `{{- $style := resources.Get "sass/main.scss" | toCSS | minify | fingerprint -}}` make from scss file, but named...

help wanted
suggestion/feature request

Hi, I am using cryogen and want to highlight also inline code. Like for example i want write: So what `(swap! foo-atom inc)` really do? Why no option to show...


```clojure (mount/defstate foo :start (println "!!! start") :stop (println "!!! stop")) (def app foo) (mount/start) ``` Then `app` throw an error `mount.core.DerefableState cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn`. This is typical...

Issue `#{:get :post}` don't work with `bidi.ring`. ```clojure (def route ["/" { ;"" {:get :main} "login" {#{:get :post} :login} "consent" {:get :consent} true :not-found}]) (def handler (bidi/make-handler route resources)) (def...

``` 12:40:49.838 [qtp1400469930-68] INFO lambdacd.steps.manualtrigger - received parameterized trigger with id c2823d46-93ee-4253-8d7a-8dc74fc43922 with data {} ``` I am testing lambda cd with `lein ring server` and a lot of time...


I discover strange things and lost hours to find that bug. The question is intentional or is it bug? I don't see any reason to do this intentional. $token->tokenable->touch(); clear...

I have to rotate content on page by 90 degree, because labels in printer are horizontally but the content is vertically. As i found it is impossible. Did i miss...
