Krzysztof Władyka

Results 41 comments of Krzysztof Władyka

Oh it is because `:header "Page header text appears on each page"` doesn't fit in the size... Better error feedback will be great :)

`[[:cell "foo"]]` makes the same problem, so probably it is not about too large text for the page. Please notice default font size is 3.

I solved that in that way: ```clojure (let [page (-> (PageFormat/with) (.mediaBox (PDRectangle. (pdf/mm->points 43) (pdf/mm->points 58))) (.rotation 90) (.margins (pdf/mm->points 2) (pdf/mm->points 2) 0 0) .build) doc (Document. page)...

I was using something like that many years ago in PHP so probably it should be possible also here. I could create some element and after that check the size...

Hmm should something specific happen to merge it?

`cmd-alt-x` Yes but the current namespace is: ``` Testing user Ran 0 tests containing 0 assertions. 0 failures, 0 errors. ``` Sometimes it is different namespace. Just like that, i...

This middleware affect body request by removing namespaces. I think it shouldn't. Otherwise developers have to make 2 separate app: first for JSON / EDN, second for POST forms or...

> @weavejester When you say ignore non-string keys, you mean not operate on them and pass them along, yes? `{:foo/bar 1}` pass as it is. By ignore he means not...

1) detect new release on hugo repository 2) use this release to build image Personally I use but it needs your own machine. Probably can be better choice...

CI/CD should have tests to fail. PS Today I recommend Github Actions as a CI/CD tool.