When an element is specified the same `-epubx-flow-into` value as its parent element, the element is laid out twice. Example: ``` html body text This should be displayed only once....
Non-positioned floats should be painted below positioned elements with stack level 0. (cf. [CSS 2 - Layered presentation](https://drafts.csswg.org/css2/visuren.html#layers)) However, with Vivliostyle, when a non-positioned float comes after a positioned element...
Example: ``` css /* The closing parenthesis is absent */ :nth-child( { } * { color: green; } ``` The second rule (`* { color: green; }`) is ignored. Note...
Spec: https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/#checked https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/#enableddisabled Simple matching against `checked` attribute on the element should be easy. Reflecting user operation (toggling the element) requires more work, since we need to pass `:checked`, `:enabled`...
Spec: [CSS Flexible Box Layout Module Level 1 - Fragmenting Flex Layout](https://drafts.csswg.org/css-flexbox/#pagination) Related: vivliostyle/vivliostyle.js#174
When an element with a fixed block size specified comes next to an exclusion area, the effective block size of the element becomes incorrect and a following block overlaps it....
Currently `break-inside` values other than `auto` are always treated as in the same way as `avoid`. We should distinguish those values (`avoid-page`, `avoid-column`, `avoid-region`) and appropriately control fragmentation. Remained task...
Since Vivliostyle.js determines column/page break positions using `Range.getClientRects`, it sometimes judges the last line is overflown and defer it to the next column/page, even if a small `line-height` is specified,...
Spec: [CSS Display Module Level 3 - Run-In Layout](https://drafts.csswg.org/css-display/#run-in-layout)