Kim, KwonHyun

Results 17 comments of Kim, KwonHyun

I had the same problem but restarting REPL solved it!

Helped from I added the following paragraph in the beginning of preamble.tex \usepackage{zi4} \usepackage[hangul]{kotex} I works okay... but I got several warnings... Output created: _book/bookdown-demo.pdf Warning messages: 1: running...

Never mind. I installed and Warnings disappeared. Awesome package!

정확히 기억은 안 나는데 여기 방법은 조금 복잡하고요 xelatex 쓰면 간단하게 해결되는데 저도 기억이 가물이라 ㅠㅠ 2019년 6월 11일 (화) 오전 10:29, HenryLee 님이 작성: > 안녕하세요 > 저도 윈도우10에서...

제 것 소스를 조금 살펴봤는데, _output.yml에 latex_engine: xelatex 으로 되어 있네요... xelatex 인스톨 되어 있다면, 이렇게 쓰면 되지 않을까요? 저도 인터넷 어디선가 보고 한 거라서 인터넷에 어딘가 있을 것이라 생각되지만......

I check the validity of the list above. `import this` works but `import xxlimited` does not. So neither your list nor mine is perfect. What is your source? My source...

Here is the full list of modules I failed to import with `__import__()` No module named '_crypt' 19 _crypt No module named '_curses' 23 _curses No module named '_curses_panel' 24...

Oh it only supports the version up until 3.5...

About the assignment problem, it is actually quite the opposite. As the array gets bigger, the time difference get bigger, too. Actually I thought just like you but it is...

I just changed w, h to 1024,1024 and 2560,2560 ```python %%timeit #w, h = 256, 256 w, h = 1024, 1024 # Time elapsed 69.3 w, h = 2560, 2560...