I am using the plugin and it works great if I order my SFCs with template followed by script tags. If I reverse this order, the generated source has one...
Our application is doing a "setString()" on a PreparedStatement, whose parameter is a SQL interval. In prior versions of the driver, this string would be passed on to PG, but...
We are having lots of trouble here with the being slow and sometimes you can't reach it at all. We found we could direct the CDN to cdnjs and...
vue3 port
- use composition api vs. vue-class-component/vue-property-decorator, via means of component dev - fix v-model breaking changes for vue 3 - update demo app accordingly - implement event bus via mitt...
- when a $1 or $$foo$$ is within () expression, like a function invocation, parse the $ as plain grammar piece - add a test for this situation which does...
Simple repro ``` PREPARE test_plan AS SELECT hashtext($1) ``` This is legal PSQL, libpq, etc. all allow it. pgjdbc-ng throws this error: ``` Error parsing SQL at position 40 (PREPARE...