Noel Kwan
Noel Kwan
I hereby agree to the terms of the [RisingWave Labs, Inc. Contributor License Agreement]( ## What's changed and what's your intention? `8s` is too short as a default. The object...
In GitLab by @fahree on Jan 23, 2021, 06:20 ## PoC ~~- [ ] Do a first pass that communicates via messages on CED and/or the fastest test blockchain we...
## Introduction Original with diagrams: In GitLab by @kwanzknoel on Aug 9, 2021, 21:45 Questions we need answers to: ## How does it work? See [Architecture Section below](#architecture). ##...
In GitLab by @kwanzknoel on Sep 10, 2021, 02:06 - [ ] glow should tell users to do something actionable if required options are missing. For example for `glow add-contact`,...
In GitLab by @plotnick on Aug 5, 2021, 06:03 We should have a VS Code extension that does basic syntax highlighting for Glow programs. This will make the language somewhat... Move fork into `Glow-Lang`.
Once Github actions is stable (Probably latest by 30 Sep 2021), Remove the following gitlab ci artifacts: - [ ] This code in our ci scripts: ``` (define-entry-point (check-git-up-to-date) (help:...
In GitLab by @kwanzknoel on Jul 10, 2021, 02:52