Noel Kwan
Noel Kwan
- [ ] Implement frontend part - [ ] Implement adaptive rate limit within the backfill executor - [ ] Add different scenario tests - [ ] Add metrics for...
Wonder if we can further generalize this into some compact encoding for multiple repeated datums. It could potentially optimize join performance, since the datums in the join key don't need...
Specifically for high amplification join, when building the new chunk, the probe side's record, just needs to convert its scalar values into constant array, then we can just concat that...
In GitLab by @kwanzknoel on Aug 9, 2021, 21:45 assigned to @kwanzknoel
In GitLab by @kwanzknoel on Sep 10, 2021, 02:09 changed the description
In GitLab by @kwanzknoel on Aug 9, 2021, 21:45 changed the description
In GitLab by @kwanzknoel on Sep 10, 2021, 02:13 changed the description
In GitLab by @kwanzknoel on Aug 9, 2021, 22:51 added [1 design](/mukn/glow/-/issues/213/designs?version=242687)
In GitLab by @kwanzknoel on Sep 10, 2021, 02:24 changed the description
In GitLab by @kwanzknoel on Aug 9, 2021, 22:53 changed the description