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Element Audio Plugin Host

Results 134 element issues
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> But in short I'm using Wavelab 10. I load the input then I load my vst/effect then I load the audio out, then I connect them all. I can...


>When I load an Ambisonics Plugin (VST3) it appears with only 3 Input Channels. >But it must have as minimum 4 Inputs. >When I try to change the I/O Settings,...


``` vcruntime140d.dll!000007fecd6b12de() Unknown> KV_ElementFX.dll!JuceVSTWrapper::internalProcessReplacing(float * * inputs, float * * outputs, int numSamples, JuceVSTWrapper::VstTempBuffers & tmpBuffers) Line 489 C++ KV_ElementFX.dll!JuceVSTWrapper::processReplacing(float * * inputs, float * * outputs, int sampleFrames) Line...


When I use Elements Linux version. All the features in it disable and unusable. I expected that when I used the Elements on Linux that it able to use VST2/VST3/...


Hello everyone, Im having problems with plugins from Neural DSP. They don't work in Element. I have this error Plugin could not be instantiated- error 100000 Can anyone help me...


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** I am not able to receive audio from multiple input devices or output audio to multiple output devices. **Describe the...


Description: The Element plugin, either VST2 or VST3, crashes any DAW on Windows 10 when trying to delete an instance of the plugin while parameter linking is being used. To...


when AUmfx plugins are inserted as nodes in the graph, midi output from the plugin is not going out to the graph. This was in a previous ticket that was...


**Describe the bug** I'm using Element as a VST host for a single audio sequencer. I've been finding that when I sync it to an **external MIDI clock** the tempo...


Related to https://github.com/kushview/Element/issues/261 It would be awesome to have a method to start the application minimised to the systray. A command-line argument would be fantastic as it would allow the...
