Kushal Chordiya
Kushal Chordiya
I'm running the example inference script MNN/python/ultraface_py_mnn.py. I have installed all required dependencies, here is an output of pip freeze in the current environment `certifi==2020.4.5.1 cycler==0.10.0 flatbuffers==1.12 future==0.18.2 graphviz==0.14 kiwisolver==1.2.0...
SR-GAN: why use detach while calculating content loss when the VGG model weights are already frozen
The code snippet for content loss is as `# Content loss gen_features = feature_extractor(gen_hr) real_features = feature_extractor(imgs_hr) loss_content = criterion_content(gen_features, real_features.detach())` i dont understand why you've used detach (and also...
Unless im mistaken thus repository only contains the pretrained tensorflow1.x models of the the FaceDetector (face-yolo.pb) and FaceCorrector. i was wonderign if i could have a look at the actual...