György Kurucz
György Kurucz
> Leading commas do solve the diff issue. Care to elaborate? (Again, I am not familiar with the leading comma convention, so I might be just missing something.) ```diff -[...
Consider the convention where the brackets are on separate lines. With trailing commas, no matter where you add (or remove) an item, the diff will only be a single line....
Hm also it seems that the generated code lacks any checks before doing allocations, possibly leading to `tinfo->alloc` exceeding `tinfo->limit`. Also given the fact that the `CertiCoq FFI` command is...
Thank you for your response :) Of course, I don't have any expectations on when this will get looked at, given that this is an open source project. Just wanted...
I see, thanks. I guess my main question has been answered then. I am not sure what your policy is with the GitHub issues, do as you wish with this...
Note: the nixpkgs package would be more elegant if the path git binary were configurable, maybe consider adding this option in the future if you have time. (But you state...
> Do you mean with a config file? Right now it should just pull it from PATH. With a compile time config. (I am sure there is some way to...
I looked around a bit, it seems that compile time env variables are the most common way to do this. Examples [here]( and [here]( You can use the [`option_env!` macro](
Now (2023) screen lockers seem to be moving towards `ext-session-lock-v1` instead of the `wlr_input_inhibit` + `wlr_layer_shell` combo. See: I don't know of any other major use for `wlr_input_inhibit` other...
Workaround for anyone finding this issue: ```diff diff --git a/extension/footnote.go b/extension/footnote.go index d1b67aa..b856d92 100644 --- a/extension/footnote.go +++ b/extension/footnote.go @@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ func (b *footnoteBlockParser) Close(node gast.Node, reader text.Reader, pc...