Elliot Ali

Results 19 comments of Elliot Ali

Hi Jason. Agreed, it's just a shortcut/convenience. That said, it could perhaps be supplemented by resource controllers / controller actions being generated with policy checks built in. Happy for it...

> Now it says asantibanez/livewire-calendar class not found. I give up. I got this too, add the following to `composer.json`: ```json "autoload": { "psr-4": { "Asantibanez\\LivewireCalendar\\": "vendor/asantibanez/livewire-calendar/src/" } } ```...

Hi @Xinecraft, You might want to check out my [SO answer](https://stackoverflow.com/a/61796249/278149), which deals with exactly this. I hope that helps. It might also kick-start @RomainMazB's PR.

Hi all, I'm going to have the same problem - noting that this is a cache storage, I wouldn't store it on S3, but in the cache. If a PR...

Make sure that "title" is searchable, e.g. ``` protected $searchStringColumns = [ "title" => ["searchable" => true], //... ]; ```

So I can catch the exception and do something like the following. However, I still feel that the default behaviour should be to catch and silently fail in this scenario...

Interesting idea! I came to the issues section to raise a suggestion that something like search aliases might be nice (e.g. `author:me` on a comments searchable can be an alias...

It would be great to bake this into Livewire/Sortable. In the meantime, these might get you started: https://github.com/Shopify/draggable/issues/129 https://github.com/Shopify/draggable/issues/56 https://jsfiddle.net/zodqmx09/6/

Hacked it and fixed with the following, until the related pull request is merged. ``` .vdp-datepicker>div:first-of-type { display:inline; } ```