Kurt Wall
Kurt Wall
Sorry for neglecting this one. Yes, you can totally do that.
Hyphens kind of make python barf...however, let's say our atomic work is "finished". We _might_ want to make that it's own project by itself, and our `v1` or `main-site` app...
I was thinking "core" would house our atomic elements, whereas "v1" would use them. Is it okay to merge app code into the project's folder for settings, urls.py, etc?
Does anyone see anything wrong with naming it `flapjack`?
I can confirm that this also produces this error, confusingly: ```python from faust import App app = App('example', broker='kafka://localhost:9092') topic = app.topic('example-topic', replicas=1) ```
I'm seeing this using Java 8, Scala 2.12, mockito v1.17.0.