Same problem, on world load, everything connect, but no water extraction Sink -> Fluid Pipe -> Thermal Evaporation Valve MC: 1.19.2 Forge: 43.3.2 Pipez: 1.1.5 Mek: **EDIT MORE INFO:**...
I can confirm this issue with last version of ImmediatlyFast Maybe layers out of order? MC 1.19.2 Forge: 43.2.21 IM: 1.2.3 Some exemples: From Inventory no problems:  It this file for Forge?
> Fixed the issue, please try again: https://upload.raphimc.net/file/00skGjeBm8hhOe5D/kFomHd9oXyxZbx7n/ImmediatelyFast-1.2.4-SNAPSHOT%2B1.19.2.jar https://upload.raphimc.net/file/ojkmbC8AtNq8Xnjn/zoJStRrFUuf7B3zw/ImmediatelyFast-1.2.4-SNAPSHOT%2B1.20.1.jar This snapshot works, no crashes, just little issues with UI, still looks out of order/transparent/fade OneProbe with issues ![Captura de tela...
Thanks for helping, that was super fast, if you need help with 1.19.2 just let me know (I'll wait for NeoForge in 1.20.2 to test it).