Kurt Kopchik
Kurt Kopchik
Hi @NikolayKhoroshevsky, I like the suggestion. However, the one complication is that it looks like the ability for` docker ps` to filter on health status was not introduced until somewhat...
Hi @NikolayKhoroshevsky - If you want to build/test for `sbt 0.13` and `sbt 1.0` you can check out [these](https://github.com/Tapad/sbt-docker-compose/pull/89) instructions. As for testing against different versions of docker I'm not...
Hi @ches, thanks for the feedback and evaluating the plugin! I agree, that adding the custom tags to a `label` instead of as part of the `image` value would make...
The plugin was created before `dockerComposeDown` existed which is why I'm using `dockerComposeStop` instead. A lot of people are on older versions of Docker (especially build machines) so I would...
Hi @ches, so that you are not affected by the current `dockerComposeStop` command leaving behind named volumes I made an [update](https://github.com/Tapad/sbt-docker-compose/compare/feature/removeNamedVolumes) that attempts to remove them on shutdown in a...
Hi @ches - Happy to help! This change is now included in an official release: `addSbtPlugin("com.tapad" % "sbt-docker-compose" % "1.0.24")`
Hi @mb720, thanks for the feedback and for using the plugin! Generating the `docker-compose.yml` file is something that we have considered doing but there are not any solid plans to...
Hi @aaronp & @stela - The update for Cucumber support has now been included in an official release: `addSbtPlugin("com.tapad" % "sbt-docker-compose" % "1.0.29")` Thanks again!
Hi @eugenemiretsky - I would start by looking at pull request (https://github.com/Tapad/sbt-docker-compose/commit/0fdfa13dcda98a690442d0cf3555d6d5c0334be1) that added support for Cucumber (https://github.com/Tapad/sbt-docker-compose/commit/0fdfa13dcda98a690442d0cf3555d6d5c0334be1#diff-d97efb1099d050d6a60fbf8c9cf6447eR96) and see how you can add support in a similar fashion for...