Jan Kurs
Jan Kurs
Hi Sean, that sounds like a nice extension. I find `'dd' asPParser skipUntil` a bit unintuitive. Would something like `#any asPParser skipUntil: 'dd' asPParser` work for as well? It's clearer...
This is by no means important part of PP2. I think most of the parsers ever created can hapily live without this node or calling this method. Long term, I...
I can have a look into it. Nevertheless, I have to say that PP2Stream is a positionable stream though. What is the issue you had with migrating?
https://github.com/kursjan/petitparser2/blob/master/PetitParser2/PP2Stream.class.st ``` { #category : #'context interface' } PP2Stream >> atPosition: position [ ^ collection at: position ] ``` You probably just need to expose the position instvar.
Oh, got it. Position in not instvar of the `PP2Stream` but `PP2Context`. I will have to check how the preprocessor works and what does it do...
Hi Sean. Good point. I will add a short description how to migrate. I wonder, could you share some example how do you use your parser? I can either add...
More info should be here: https://kursjan.github.io/petitparser2/migration.html.
Perhaps @chisandrei can answer the question.
This should definitely work, I will look into this asap.
Indeed, there is no extension for `ZnCharacaterStream`. But you can build your own stream on top of ZincStream: | byteStream stream | byteStream := ZnClient new url: 'http://pharo.org'; streaming: true;...