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Documentation: Any Limitations vs. PP1
Was any functionality of PP1 not ported to PP2? That would be good to mention in the docs/readme. Except for the changed class names, is it backward compatible? Any reason one would not move to PP2? Etc.
Somewhat related (the second bullet is directly applicable), there was some feedback on the Moose ML from Julien Delplanque:
- I am not aware of any tutorial to migrate from PP1 to PP2
- My parser makes heavy uses of dependencies between parsers feature. I have no idea if this still exists in PP2. If I look on PPCompositeNode class-side I do not see the #dependencies method present in PPCompositeParser.
- PP2 lacks of documentation on classes (in PetitParser2 package, only 13/92 classes as I look right now).
Hi Sean. Good point. I will add a short description how to migrate.
I wonder, could you share some example how do you use your parser? I can either add the dependencies or figure out if there is other way.
Documentation would be nice. these days I wonder what the hack does the particular node do. So I will add it to my todo list. I guess Christmass period will be a good time to work on this.
Hey @juliendelplanque, I captured your PP2 feedback in this issue. @kursjan created a migration guide and was asking about dependencies. Would you be able to provide some information re his question in the above comment? Thanks
More info should be here: