Kurt Battisti
Kurt Battisti
Unfortunatly I'm facing the same problems herr on mit macOS, resulting also in "VSFM application failed to build, halting". Any tipps and help appreciated.
Apparently all my models are affected. I attach the one from the above screenshots. [AMAZE_Test_1_IFC4.ifc.zip](https://github.com/opensourceBIM/BIMserver/files/8254180/AMAZE_Test_1_IFC4.ifc.zip)
Here is a very short movie showing how the 3D model is shot. Here you can see how the surfaces behave during rotation. https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1941141/158400368-92ab5c0b-6366-4d1b-bbf5-803a04c87358.mov
Thanks for the feedback. I'm beginning to think that it might be due to my hardware. It is still strange that it is displayed correctly with other software.
@hlg I deactivate Firefox hardware acceleration and restarted Firefox. Unfortunately black and white mode is still present.
Unfortunately I'm facing the same problem with version and Neither `child reference:true` nor `child component:true` settles the matter. BTW Using Grails 2.5.0, ``` | Error 2015-06-20 17:22:51,105 [http-nio-8080-exec-10]...
Unfortunatly I'm facing the same problem with Grails 3.2.11 on macOS **build.gradle** contains ``` def elasticsearchVersion = '2.4.4' ext['elasticsearch.version'] = elasticsearchVersion dependencies { ... compile 'org.grails.plugins:elasticsearch:1.2.1' ... } ``` and...
Is there still a chance that this wish will be fulfilled?
Things are still in motion. The BIMcert manual refers to version 0.9.6 (see "3.7.1 Data structure" on page 124). At that time, this was still optional. It was only changed...
BTW The manual for free: https://repositum.tuwien.at/handle/20.500.12708/192611