> 谢谢你的帮助,我会试试的 Could you tell me how to run this code?
> 不,我失败了... > 如您所见,有两种方法可以运行此代码,使用预处理视频或未预处理视频运行它。 > 我尝试了第二种方式,但我发现作者似乎没有完成这个功能。我建议你可以尝试第一种方式。 > 祝你好运! Could you tell me how to run this code?
> 1. 准备数据(我使用 ResNet 从视频中提取特征) > 2. 将您的配置(您的数据目录)设置在 `configs.py` > 3. 跑步 `train.py` Find the following problems according to your requirements, how to solve them? File "h5py\_objects.pyx", line 54, in...
> 360数据集在哪里下载?非常感谢您的代码。 Did you find the 360 dataset?Could you tell me how to run this code?
> 你测试成功了吗?你是怎么测试的? Could you tell me how to run this code?
> 我有同样的问题,如果你解决了,请告诉我解决方案,提前谢谢 Could you tell me how to run this code?
Could you tell me how to run this code?
I also encountered this problem, and downgraded the zmq version to 4.1, but still not solved!Is there any other solution? /home/qwert/BehaviorTree.CPP/Groot/bt_editor/sidepanel_monitor.cpp: In member function ‘void SidepanelMonitor::on_timer()’: /home/qwert/BehaviorTree.CPP/Groot/bt_editor/sidepanel_monitor.cpp:61:41: error: no matching...
> @kundezui @wisesama 参见[#172 ](https://github.com/BehaviorTree/Groot/pull/172) [a0db79a](https://github.com/BehaviorTree/Groot/commit/a0db79aeb6bdf9deeeddea95c64e8c7b93526f02) 我终于和他们一起解决了这个问题。 > The solution you pointed out doesn't seem to fit my error.
Do you know where I can find detailed information on learning BehaviorTree.CPP & Groot? Although there are tutorials on the official website, it is not suitable for beginners. Want to...