Kumar Abhirup

Results 9 issues of Kumar Abhirup

Try selecting some text and immediately press delete button. You'll see the glitch that it won't erase the selected text. In fact, the editor does not work before tooltip appears....

Reproduce the issue by uploading a video instead of an image. That will create a broken image. How do I add the error message `Please upload image only` on my...

This library is an excellent piece of work. Thanks a lot 😅 But, Images do overlap on low-end devices... 🙇🏻‍♀️ They fail to load on Iphone SE, but renders like...

I am trying to use this on Next.js v12 I get the `self is not defined` error. To fix that, I tried Next.js Dynamic, but the error persists in other...

I ran this on mac: ``` docker run -d --restart=always \ > -v /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock:ro \ > -v ~/.dinghy/certs:/etc/nginx/certs \ > -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -p 19322:19322/udp \ > -e DNS_IP=

Add [this Demo Repository](https://github.com/KumarAbhirup/webpack-treeshaking-json) to the README. I mean, really, you should lol. I was setting this whole thing up, and it took me 2 days of intense debugging to...

``` backend: Error: Dynamic Linking Error: dlopen(/Users/kumarabhirup/Documents/Repositories/propagateAt/packages/backend/libtdjson.dylib, 2): image not found backend: at new DynamicLibrary (/Users/kumarabhirup/Documents/Repositories/propagateAt/node_modules/ffi-napi/lib/dynamic_library.js:74:11) backend: at Object.Library (/Users/kumarabhirup/Documents/Repositories/propagateAt/node_modules/ffi-napi/lib/library.js:45:14) backend: at new TDLib (/Users/kumarabhirup/Documents/Repositories/propagateAt/node_modules/tlg/lib/tdlib.js:22:20) backend: at new Client (/Users/kumarabhirup/Documents/Repositories/propagateAt/node_modules/tlg/lib/client.js:7:3)...