Hi, yes, this is the command I used to create connection. curl -i -X POST -u devops:foobar -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{ "connectionType": "mqtt", "connectionStatus": "open", "uri": "tcp://localhost:1883", "failoverEnabled": true,...
{ "connectionType": "mqtt", "connectionStatus": "open", "uri": "tcp://localhost:1883", "failoverEnabled": true, "sources": [ { "addresses": [ "custom-ditto-java-payload-mapper/src" ], "authorizationContext": [ "pre:ditto" ], "headerMapping": { }, "qos": 0, "replyTarget": { "enabled": false, "expectedResponseTypes":...
can anyone please help me to fix this
Thank you I able to make connection now, but this mqtt command [mqtt pub -h mqtt.eclipseprojects.io -p 8883 -s -t ditto-example-custom-payload-mapper/source --message-file example-protobuf-msg] is not working for me I tried...
Hi @thjaeckle, @sejal-bansal! I tried UpdateTwinWithLiveResponse mapper, [{"key":"*/updated-via","value":"device-live-response"}] in put-metadata. I am facing error "message": "The wildcard expression '/*/updated-via' in header 'put-metadata' is not valid.", how to fix this and...