I was looking for this feature to write rules for direct syscall invocations - commonly generated by tooling like SysWhispers. ``` 4C 8B D1 mov r10, rcx B8 ?? ??...
I was using WdToggle, a Beacon Object File using the InlineWhispers library to test - BOF's are a bit odd to run against capa, since they're more structured than...
Not all the needed headers are currently pulled out with the Hashcat install process. After having similar problem, copying various header files from the Hashcat source directory to the includes...
Can you confirm you're using Hashcat 5.1.0? I got an identical error when using the HEAD of master instead of 5.1.0
**tl;dr instead of using `ldaps://host` to connect, use `-force-ssl` and `-port 636`** Just encountered this error as well - it appears be an odd behavior due to how arguments are...