Kulin Sitwala
Kulin Sitwala
Hi Amit, Thanks for the help. We are using Gherkin Test Factory, but when we use the @QAFTestStep annotation for our step definitions then the cucumber plugin fails to recognize...
Thanks for your inputs. :)
Thanks Chirag for your quick response. We will take a look at this option.
Hi Chirag, I had a discussion with Jeremy on this and he tried using JVM based proxies specifically ProxySelector as you mentioned. But in some of the bank environments, the...
I also tried using normal ProxySelector, it is not detecting any proxy and the proxy type is showing as DIRECT even though I am in a NTLM proxy environment. I...
Can you share the code sample that you have tried before. I was registering the Proxy Selector before initializing the driver in the main method. I was using the code...
Hi Chirag, Can you please reconsider our suggestions here: 1. Is it possible for this NTLM proxy based driver creation to be included in QAF? 2. If 1st option is...
We really appreciate your help. Please let me know when is a good time to connect. Thanks, Kulin