Luke Pearce
Luke Pearce
Ah makes sense, thanks for the reply.
Just to add another opinion: I have no problem with the 3rd column item being highlighted specifically. I definitely found it confusing out-of-the-box having the same style of highlighting in...
@toonn thanks for the pointer Incase anyone was interested; I copied the default color scheme and adjusted the main_column e.g. ```python # ~/.config/ranger/colorschemes/[yourschemename].py # ... def use(self, context): # ......
Cool I started looking at the changes required for travis - it’ll need changing to trusty with sudo required to get MySQL 5.7 (which has json support). Looks like things...
@shioyama thanks I'll see if I can get time towards the end of the week to make these changes. RE default values - no it's a limitation with MySQL unfortunately:...
Sorry for the spam, but for the next person who isn't used to Gnome and wonders how to change the setting added in #1579: * Go to: * Click:...
I had this it's an easy fix - if you look through the code of the dotnet version, it uses a different JWT_BEARER string: Someone's already done a pull...
Bit late now but incase it's helpful I did something quite a while back & I've just added Filters/Apps too: maybe it's something you can use... It works for...