
Results 13 comments of kulame

我试着跑了hub里的videotag_tsn_lstm 也是同样的报错 ```shell ➜ text hub install videotag_tsn_lstm==1.0.0 Download https://bj.bcebos.com/paddlehub/paddlehub_dev/videotag_tsn_lstm_1.0.0.tar.gz [##################################################] 100.00% Decompress /home/kula/.paddlehub/tmp/tmp_5ngb47b/videotag_tsn_lstm_1.0.0.tar.gz [##################################################] 100.00% [2021-10-25 11:54:31,951] [ INFO] - Successfully installed videotag_tsn_lstm-1.0.0 ➜ text hub run videotag_tsn_lstm --input_path...

把gpu关掉就可以了, 是因为这个模型和cuda11.4不兼容吗?

Same issue for me. What is the latest status on this issue?

i also need it

any recent progress? I'm also having issues with header casing

in my case, the openconenct client assume the HTTP header is "X-CSTP-*" and it never convert to lowercase. the client code is [openconnect client](https://gitlab.com/openconnect/openconnect/-/blob/master/cstp.c#L409) ```c if (strncmp(buf, "X-DTLS-", 7) &&...

any update for this issue?

i meet same question

meet same issues. any solution ?