Hi there, why it is not possible to use blend modes for movieclips? I'd like to keep some animations and effects as they were created, and I need to set...
Hi there, I'm using 2.0.0-rc11 assetConversion.js to migrate my assets... I've seen at some of the assets i was migrating, that if there is PIXI.Graphics instance, it is generated twice...
Hi guys, I'm using 2.0.0-rc11 assetConversion.js script to migrate my assets. I've successfully migrated all asset I have, but there's one, large one. which fails and throws maximum call stack...
### Current Behavior Hello guys, I've started getting a lot of error reports, mostly repeatable from the same users. It says WebGl is unsupported, but all the reports are from...
Hi, is there a chance to have/make this pixi-projection be compatible with newest pixi.js release? My build fails at pixi-spine related deps, as I'm trying to install with newest pixi.js...
Hi all, I'm trying to add reversing of animations, alowing setting timeScale to negative values. I thought it's working, I remeber it was working. But now in my case in...
Hello there. I have a question about 3.7 assets format support in newest pixi.js v6 - I can see there is support for 3.8 assets, and https://github.com/pixijs/spine/tree/pixi5-spine3.7 this branch with...