Kubo Kováč
Kubo Kováč
the insrt_insns_under_off function in modify.ml is buggy: you move the instruction which was originally at the cursor if the instruction was in a try/catch block, it will end up out...
context: in the logging module, you need some free registers so you shift them and call update_reg_usage; the problem is that some registers may cross the 16reg boundary a you...
see the comments in https://github.com/arq5x/bedtools2/commit/48105b07dc665d333a06677aed8340f82decacd7# the two versions of `isHeaderLine` are not equivalent and the commit broke reading correct BED files
while working on `Data.Text` i noticed that `Arbitrary` instance for `Char` just picks a random character from the range (0,255) because of that, the tests there failed to catch at...