@phucloc8697 , @agileurbanite NEAR Wallet Selector v6.0.0 has been published on NPM. https://www.npmjs.com/org/near-wallet-selector This issue has been addressed in this PR: https://github.com/near/wallet-selector/pull/391 . To find out which wallets support this...
@mattlockyer I added this PR to help you fix the linting issues: https://github.com/NearDeFi/wallet-selector/pull/1, if this looks good you can go ahead and merge it and then address other outstanding comments...
Moving this to "In Progress" as I will need to: - Improve signInMessage in the core package for browser wallets. - Avoid saving the `signature` and `state` we get from...
Moving this into Review as the above improvements have been addressed.
Moving this into progress to add support for signInMessage in Sender since they implemented the signMessage.
Based on previous meetings/discussions with Daryl it was mentioned that this feature can be risky because users could sign real transactions instead of a simple message by signing arbitrary data....
Based on the latest discussions we've had in the last meeting related to this issue it was mentioned that the change looked fine for Daryl and he informed us that...
Hi, @petersalomonsen thank you for raising this issue. As you stated above the wallet selector supports `signIn` only with one `contractId`. Supporting sign-in with multiple contracts by triggering the current...
>NEP413 is ready to be reviewed. This means we could start implementing it, since no major changes are expected to the interface. @gagdiez, it's a bit confusing for us since...
Closing this issue as the PR for `signMessage` https://github.com/near/wallet-selector/pull/779 has been merged and in both of our examples `react` and `angular` it is shown how to sign and verify the...