How can I reduce power usage and still GET location updates in a location-based Android application?
I tried this Google example code - https://github.com/android/location-samples/tree/master/ForegroundLocationUpdates: - it works fine with default settings: priority = LocationRequest.PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY but it keeps my Android 5 phone WARM and will DRAIN its...
Having create_temp_table = False on MS SQL Server produces error: 'NoneType' object is not iterable
**Describe the bug** Having create_temp_table = False in great_expectations.yml on MS SQL Server produces error: 'NoneType' object is not iterable this error with Traceback below is rendered in DataDocs for...
When using great expectations with datasources from great_expectations.yml you can use create_temp_table: False setting for SqlAlchemyExecutionEngine to prevent SqlAlchemy from issuing SQLs like this: CREATE OR REPLACE TEMPORARY TABLE gx_temp_d5435...
Hi! Is it possible to run **1) EXPERIMENTAL expectation (from great_expectations_experimental library) from Airflow?** example: expect_queried_column_values_to_exist_in_second_table_column Simple import to DAG does not help: from great_expectations_experimental.expectations.expect_queried_column_values_to_exist_in_second_table_column import ExpectQueriedColumnValuesToExistInSecondTableColumn - after DAG...
We need to run a GE checkpoint from Airflow. Checkpoint is based on SQL query. SQL query must get values for its parameters from Airflow - e.g. a datamart should...
**Describe the bug** expect_column_values_to_not_be_null duplicates columns in unexpected values query: **To Reproduce** if you have defined checkpoint like this: a) query as Select col1, col2, col3 FROM table1 b) runtime_configuration...