Give me some time, i will check this.
Finally got a chance to try it. Sorry it took so long. With the above mentioned WiFi libraries it works. Only with AsyncWebServer it does not. I have added an...
Habe das gleiche Problem. `State value to set for "zigbee.0.a4c138fd676181b0.current_heating_setpoint" has value "9196970" greater than max "35"` Gibt es inzw. eine Lösung?
Why don’t you use the original tasmota. The driver is integrated in it. This fork is more for development. Sent with GitHawk
@herrfrei Look at the example in the docs. https://tasmota.github.io/docs/Smart-Meter-Interface/#landis-gyr-zmr120ares2r2sfcs-obis The >>T section. Sent with GitHawk