Karol Fuksiewicz
Karol Fuksiewicz
it looks like working :) no problem with connection after compiling it :) thx
+1 we need that
and array support was merged in sea-query: https://github.com/SeaQL/sea-query/pull/467 :)
@ikrivosheev in release 0.27 info there is no mention about it :) so i assume that it was not included in 0.27, but if it is, its great news :)
i used django-s3-storage and with this code: ``` class S3Boto3Storage(S3Storage, StorageMixin): def path(self, name): return self._get_key_name(name) @_wrap_errors def meta(self, name): object_params = self._object_params(name) try: return self.s3_connection.head_object(**object_params) except (S3Error, ClientError): object_params['Key']...
Info beside automatic configuration says it will search in file parents directories, not root of a project
if problem is only with reqwest, why not use: `rustls-tls` but i think git2 also have some problems here
ok, now im sure that git2 has dependency on openssl, and yes we want to use https but as of now, we cant move to gitoxide as it not support...
from my point of view, you not always want to use newest version of templates, for example we will switch from version 0.6 schema-tools to 0.16 so if we will...